Exploring Teenage Therapy
I have a natural proclivity towards working with 16-year-olds, which stems, in part, from my years as a lecturer in further education, as well as, perhaps, my own experience as a confused, misunderstood 16-year-old. It’s the age group I find most rewarding and the one I think is most maligned. Teenagers are frequently labelled as drama queens, attention seekers, angsty, or hormonal. Ordinary expressions of emotion are pathologised as depressive, anxious, obsessional or avoidant. Gender, sex and relationship statuses are dismissed as ‘just a phase’. Adolescents might well be dramatic and hormonal, anxious or sad and preoccupied with sex, but reducing these developmental feelings and behaviours to labels shuts down thinking. Every behaviour is a communication, and my role, as their therapist, is to work out with them what it is they are trying to say.
Link: https://www.bacp.co.uk/news/news-from-bacp/blogs/2022/26-july-exploring-teenage-therapy/